How To Get The Best Out Of Japan
Whether you are driving or taking the train, shopping or checking in to your hotel, there are sure to be things you did not know about that will make your life easier. Regardless of what you were planning to do, there are sure to be large and small things that you had neither planned for or knew about that would have helped you.
On this page I have collected some tips and tricks which are sure to help you when you encounter Japan for the first time. Or the second. Or third, or forth, or fifth.
Taking the train in Tokyo
Let us start with trains and train travel, which is something that always confuses foreigners (and Japanese not living in a big city like Tokyo or Osaka). Trains are the simplest way of getting around Tokyo, bar maybe riding a bicycle (when it is not raining). Here are a few things you may want to know about taking the train in Tokyo, and will find useful to know before you go.
Staying safe in Japan
Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, and violent crime towards foreign visitors is even lower than the average. You will run greater risk of being scammed than being robbed.
That is not to say that Japan is entirely peaceful - but it is the nature in Japan that is violent, not people. Earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, floods, mudslides, rockfalls, volcanoes, wild animals - all of these make Japan a more dangerous place than most. The solution? Do like the locals and learn to live with it.
That is not to say that Japan is entirely peaceful - but it is the nature in Japan that is violent, not people. Earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, floods, mudslides, rockfalls, volcanoes, wild animals - all of these make Japan a more dangerous place than most. The solution? Do like the locals and learn to live with it.
I try to write reviews of nice places we have lunch or dinner. You can check them out in my Google Maps local reviews list.
Feel free to ask additional questions, and I will answer as best as I am able. I will continue to add relevant questions here.
Oh and by the way, welcome to Japan!
Oh and by the way, welcome to Japan!