Dog Pooping Not Allowed Here
Take a morning walk in Japan, and chances are you will meet at least one dog towing its owner about, while it goes sniffing all the interesting corners. Japan supposedly has more dogs than children, and while this is probably not true, dogs are very common among older people, to keep them alert, get some companionship, and something to do. The traditional Japanese breeds like Akita and Shiba-inu are less popular than small dogs which can fit into a small apartment, like Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, Minischnauzers, Jack Russel terriers, and toy poodles.
These dogs cause a huge problem: Poop on the streets. Even though it is nowhere nearly as bad as countries where owners are not required to pick up the poop, or where dogs can be running loose.
These dogs cause a huge problem: Poop on the streets. Even though it is nowhere nearly as bad as countries where owners are not required to pick up the poop, or where dogs can be running loose.
Japanese dog owners are actually pretty good at picking up after their pooches. Most of them carry a couple of plastic bags and tissues to pick up the dog droppings. They will even bring a spray bottle with water to dilute the spots where dogs pee. There are even special solutions you can buy which dilute the smell even further. But there is, as yet, no spray to make the poop go away.
As usual in Japan you are supposed to bring home your garbage, but this makes things a bit more complicated since you are not allowed to put poop in the burnable garbage. Dog owners have to flush the poop in the toilet, if they do not have a garden compost - or if they do not live in a condo or apartment building which allows pets, where the dog owner can dispose of the poo centrally and the building management arranges for it to be incinerated.
As usual in Japan you are supposed to bring home your garbage, but this makes things a bit more complicated since you are not allowed to put poop in the burnable garbage. Dog owners have to flush the poop in the toilet, if they do not have a garden compost - or if they do not live in a condo or apartment building which allows pets, where the dog owner can dispose of the poo centrally and the building management arranges for it to be incinerated.
But even though the Japanese people will follow the rules to a T this applies only if you think you can not get away with breaking them. When there is a chance that nobody will see you, taking a shortcut and throwing a can out of the car window, dropping your cigarette butts on the pavement, people will do it if they think they will not get caught.
This includes not picking up after your dog. And judging from the signs which cities post in residential areas,, the problem is bad and growing. Although the dogs may not be able to read the signs, even if they are posted at dog eye level.
This includes not picking up after your dog. And judging from the signs which cities post in residential areas,, the problem is bad and growing. Although the dogs may not be able to read the signs, even if they are posted at dog eye level.
Old people - who often own dogs to get at least a little companionship - will take their dogs for walks to give both themselves and the dog some exercise. But often the dog, or the owner, are too old to walk more than a few hundred meters at the time, if that. And on cold days neither want to stay outside longer than they have to. Which means getting thepooping done quickly.Sometimes, the dog is more alert than the owner and will take the opportunity to poop while the mum or master is looking the other way, whether intentionally or by accident.